Knee deformity arthropathy (knee arthropathy) occurs in the context of degenerative dystrophy of cartilage tissue (due to excessive pressure on the joint, injury, meniscus injury, ligament rupture). This disease is most common in women.
Experts distinguished several stages of knee joint disease:
- The first stage: Systemic dull pain in the affected joints, which mainly occurs after weight bearing, and has not yet been deformed;
- The second stage: symptoms of knee joint arthritis worsen, hyperemia, bone hyperplasia, knee joints may creak when moving and rotating with the legs
- The third stage: obvious joint deformation, disordered gait, and persistent pain.
People often confuse the initial stage of knee arthropathy with the inflammatory response of joint falls or overwork, without asking experts for help. However, if the treatment of knee osteoarthritis is not started in time, the pathology will cause the biomechanics of the remaining joints to be destroyed, intervertebral disc herniation, severe limitation of mobility, and even disability.
Traditional treatment of knee joint disease
The treatment of knee joint arthropathy requires complicated measures. In the acute phase, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are used. They help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Knee joint disease will have obvious pain syndrome. In the final stage of the disease, the pain becomes unbearable. Therefore, eliminating unpleasant feelings with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs can improve the well-being of patients and improve their quality of life.
In order to improve the therapeutic effect, drugs for treating knee joint arthropathy are injected directly into the joint cavity. Cartilage protective agent helps to repair cartilage tissue and improve cartilage nutrition. They must be taken at the initial stage of knee joint disease, when cartilage tissue has just begun to decompose. During the illness, these remedies are ineffective.

Hyaluronic acid injection has a good therapeutic effect. They help prevent pathological processes and prolong puberty in joint structures. But the high cost does not allow this treatment to be introduced to the general public, because not every patient can afford such an operation.
Modern methods for the treatment of knee joint arthritis help quickly and effectively combat pathological signs and restore physical activity. After the acute process subsides, physical therapy is allowed: hydrocortisone ultrasound penetration therapy, electrophoresis, UHF, laser therapy, magnetic therapy). Special therapeutic exercises (gymnastics), massage, relative rest of the affected limb, and supportive vitamin preparations can prevent future relapses.
In order to slow down the progress of the joint degenerative process, patients should pay attention to overwork, lifting weights, jumping from heights, and maintaining the same posture (standing or sitting) for a long time. In the case of obesity, it is recommended to get rid of excess weight, as they will put extra pressure on the knee and may lead to the progression of knee joint disease. To relieve joint tension during treatment, your doctor may recommend that you use a walking stick.
Knee replacement
Due to the ineffective drug treatment, people have to resort to more radical methods-replacing the affected joint with an endoprosthesis. Surgical treatment of knee joint arthropathy helps patients restore the joy of life, without pain, and without limitation of physical activity.
This type of surgery requires highly qualified doctors, meticulous preparation and a long recovery period. But every year, more and more high-quality and modern prostheses are produced. They will soon take root and will not cause side effects. The implantation method of the implant causes less and less trauma to the patient.
Surgical treatment of knee joint arthropathy can only be performed in clinics equipped with modern technology and equipment. When the joint is completely replaced by an artificial prosthesis, the endoprosthesis can be integral or partial (only damaged joint structures can be replaced).
After the operation, rehabilitation measures are taken to help the patient adapt to the prosthesis, adapt and learn to walk without assistance. At this stage, special development exercises and professional assistance from experts are very important.
Prevent knee joint disease
- Monitor your weight. When choosing a body sculpting exercise, preference is given to activities that are not accompanied by static loads. Go swimming, aerobics, dancing, fitness.
- Use knee pads during exercise, jogging, roller skating and skating to avoid knee injuries. Osteoarthritis often occurs in athletes with joint injuries and inflammation.
- Eat well and make sure that your diet contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. If you already have the prerequisites for joint disease, then treat with chondroprotective agents several times a year.
- Avoid hypothermia. If you plan to walk long distances, skiing, and other activities that involve knee contact with frozen ground, use special bandages to warm your joints or use sports knee pads in advance.
- If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately. Modern diagnostic methods can determine the first signs of the development of the process of degenerative destruction of cartilage tissue. Don't overload the injured leg, but temporarily use the cane for exercise.
Traditional medicine for treating knee joint deformity arthropathy
Traditional medicine recommends eating beef bone soup or aspic to treat arthritis. It is believed that the jelly-like substance of aspic can help repair damaged joints. The bones should be cooked before that (you can't add water to the pot) until the meat can easily separate from them.
Our ancestors used natural honey to relieve inflammation, swelling and joint pain. Compress and apply it, which helps fight pain and stiffness. You can add a little vinegar, herbal extract or alcohol to the honey.
But please remember that alternative treatments for knee joint arthropathy should still be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is best to combine medication. Don't give up traditional medicine for the sake of traditional medicine. Knee joint disease is easy to treat in the initial stages of development. If the disease starts, it may be difficult for the patient to restore the function of the affected joint without surgery.
Traditional medicine for the treatment of knee joint disease suggests to use:
- Clay compression: Use blue or red clay to make a creamy substance, spread cheesecloth and wrap it around the joints, and wrap it with a wool scarf (keep it for 2-3 hours);
- Dandelion tincture: Use vodka to pour unblowed heads, cover them with liquid, put them in a cool place for 2 weeks, and then wipe the sore knees overnight with the resulting remedy
- Lemon, celery and garlic infusion: chopped 2-3 lemons, 2 garlic heads and a small celery root, put them in a jar (3 liters), pour boiling water into the neck, prepare the infusion in the morning (Strain and use one cup within 30 minutes before meals).
In order for the alternative treatment of knee joint arthropathy to be effective, the procedure must be systematic. Hydrotherapy is good for joint health. Rest by the sea and live in a specialized nursing home, where you can pamper your knees with a healing mud bath, unique natural spring water and hydrotherapy-all of which contribute to a quick recovery.