Osteoarthritis is degenerative change of the articular cartilage not inflammatory in nature. This process occurs in the majority of cases, due to the natural aging of the body.
According to the statistics, osteoarthritis is considered a rather common disease, as well as their suffer from, according to various estimates, from 10% to 15% of the inhabitants of different countries.

This disease is typical for the age category 45 years and more. Even if they have a place of exception, when the arthrosis is observed in less than the age groups of people, as a result of trauma, disease, severe -fractures, related to a greater extent athletes.
Usually, arthritic pain patients experience in the grade of loads of work, but it's worth it to sit or lie down in a comfortable posture for the affected limb, as manifestations of the pain subside. With the progress of the disease is enriched by the characteristic creaking of joints, reduces the amplitude of the usual movements of the joints, it is observed deformity of the articular components.
Osteoarthritis – what is it?
Because it occurs osteoarthritis, and what is that? The disease develops due to metabolism disorders in the town, which, in turn, leads to the fact that the cartilage begins to lose its elasticity. This can contribute to the total or partial loss of the composition of the proteoglycans of the cartilage, this usually happens because of quite deep cracks in the cartilage.
- Primary osteoarthritis — starts for no reason and hits do not change the articular cartilage in many joints; most often seen in people over the age of 40 years. Primary osteoarthritis is also the result of violations of the relations of the cartilage tissue processes of synthesis and degeneration, and is accompanied by a disorder of the function of the chondrocytes. In the cartilage when arthritic changes is outweighed by the destruction processes.
- The main causes of secondary osteoarthritis are substantial changes in metabolic processes: the flow of blood, and the salt exchange and the flow of lymph, hormonal disorders in the assimilation of the required coupling substances. The hormonal changes that lead to osteoarthritis, is often found in women in the senior and advanced age, when it comes to a substantial change in the hormone levels.
In the risk group can be attributed to people:
- with excess body weight;
- with heritable disorders;
- of the third age;
- specific professions;
- with metabolic disorders in the body;
- with the shortage of trace elements;
- have suffered injury to the spinal column;
- dealing with some sport.
The deception of osteoarthritis lies in the fact that the pathological changes in the tissue of the cartilage of the affected joint for a long time, it manifests no symptoms – pain and lack of movements become evident only in that moment, when the destruction reaches the periosteum, is located under the cartilage.
Arthrosis 1, 2 and 3 grade
There are three degrees of arthrosis of the joints:
- 1 the degree of disease flows almost without symptoms tangible. Only occasionally are the possible painful sensations while driving or other types of physical activity. Already in the first phase of osteoarthritis occur pathological changes in the synovial fluid of the joint, with a stop in muscle, but does not change.
- 2 the degree of arthrosis marked the beginning of the destruction of the joint, appear to be the first osteophytes. The pain becomes bearable, but distinctive. You can hear the creaking of the affected joints. A violation occurs of muscle functions in violation of the reflex neurotrophic regulation.
- 3 the degree of osteoarthritis – the joint cartilage thinning, there are vast pockets of destruction. To observe a significant deformation of the articular pad with the change of the axis of the limb. Because of a violation of the normal relationship between the anatomical structures of the joint and extensive pathological changes in the connective tissue, the ligaments become unsustainable and shorter, with the consequence that develops the pathological joint mobility in combination with the volume limitation of the natural movements. You experience the tension and vertebral subluxations. Periarticular muscles lengthened or shortened, the ability to reduce weakened. Services of the joints and surrounding tissues broken.
The course of the disease is characterized by phases of exacerbation and remission. This makes it more difficult to self-diagnosis of osteoarthritis, based only on their feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to contact in order to clarify the diagnosis of a doctor.

Osteoarthritis has a number of first indications, on the basis of his classification, but there are, generalized list:
- The pain syndrome, which is enriched in the case of rain and low temperatures;
- The joint increase of the volume due to deformation, and osteophytes;
- The temperature of the skin around the sick hip increases. Can occur a general increase of the temperature.
- The joint begins to swell, you experience swelling and seals;
- When the voltage of the work and the articulation is heard and felt crunching or squeaking of friction, the bone formations.
In the later stages the pain can occur in a state of rest because of the stagnation of blood, and improve the intraosseous pressure.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
Arthritis belongs to the category of chronic diseases. Sometimes the disease can quietly leak out the years, only occasionally remembering the pain under common loading or awkward movement.
But it is possible that the disease is developing rapidly to the severe stage of a few months. In any case, it is important to remember, if you do not treat the arthritis, the symptoms will eventually grow, reducing the quality of life, and in more serious cases - – with consequent incapacitation and immobilization.
Then, with arthritis the main symptoms are the following:
- A pain annoying on the knee. She is especially apparent when a different type of load to the affected joint during walking for the stairs.
- Pain and crunch in the joint. Pain occurs with hypothermia. Crunching at the beginning is not strong, but in the absence of treatment with the time, his feel and the surrounding.
- The onset of swelling. The characteristic symptom is still a disease of the joints, arthritis. But with osteoarthritis occurs swelling only in exacerbations and is not accompanied by an acute pain and annoying. It is very noticeable and gives a lot of inconvenience.
Sometimes the pain in the evening can increase. Sometimes the pain is very active, expression is dependent on the load. In his youth arthrosis can achieve the development of a great physical exertion or after an injury.
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis
The diagnosis is mainly based on the definition of such predisposing factors, such as the appearance of pain and discomfort in the movements of the joints. When occurs the above-described signs of the disease, it is possible to arrange x-ray, radionucleides and morphological research.
All the studies are held only in clinical conditions and the results should give only by qualified personnel. On our site you can always ask questions about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis in the comments below.
Preventive measures for the prevention of osteoarthritis are available to all. They include moderate physical activity (should not cause pain in the joints), a well-balanced diet daily to eat all major vitamins and minerals.
Often get rid of arthritis, prevents the excess weight, so be very attentive to his diet, and in the case of the need to follow a diet.
It is also necessary to remember that arthritis belongs to the category of chronic diseases. In other words, the main criterion for treatment effectiveness — the achievement of a remission lasting and the improvement of the conditions of the patient.

The treatment of osteoarthritis
If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis treatment for the moment is serious and urgent problem. And even if the number of drugs used during arthritis is steadily increasing, have only a symptomatic action. And so far none of the drugs has not become a panacea in the treatment of the joints.
The plan and the treatment techniques depend on the stage and symptoms of osteoarthritis, often the original relieve the pain, as well as the second and the third stage of the disease can be very painful. It is also possible to anti-inflammatory therapy in concomitant inflammation of the joint.
The basic scheme of the pharmacological treatment of osteoarthritis involves the application:
- FANS with the goal of reducing the pain and the resolution of the inflammatory process.
- Medicines from a group of chondroprotectors, the composition of which are active components such as glucosamine and chondroitin.
- During serious illness, it may be necessary intra corticosteroid medicines. Data medications quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and normalize the motility of the affected joint.
- After the resolution of the inflammatory process, it may be necessary introduction intra-articular hyaluronic acid which acts as a lubricant and prevents the process of friction of the joints, eliminates the pain, improves mobility and stimulates production of sodium hyaluronate.
Return the affected joint osteoarthritis in a large measure, is only possible with the help of spend a hip surgery, without the surgical intervention is still possible.
Immediate intervention
In the execution of the initial stages of osteoarthritis of the knee medication treatment may not be effective, and then you should take a decision on the operational methods of rehabilitation.
There are different types of surgery:
- Arthroplasty. Replacement of the articular cartilage, the artificial strip. After the intervention reduced significantly the pain and increases mobility.
- Arthroscopy. Does not require a long recovery period, it is suitable for patients of all ages. Need, to prevent the destruction of the joint. During the surgery are removed, inflamed areas – this is done using a thin probe, and support tools.
- Prosthesis. Replacement of all the components of the artificial joint are similar. By the way, the modern implants are made from a special metal, which is not torn away from the body. The transplants are on average about ten years. After this intervention, patients can lead a full life-style.
At home on doctor's prescription, the patient can apply the distractions of the funds in the form of ointments, hate the nose, gels, infusions of herbs. Good results give you physiotherapy, acupuncture, § irudoterapia treatment (leech), as well as a spa treatment in remission phase (attenuation of disease, with the application of natural mud and minerals.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis
Indispensable in the treatment of osteoarthritis is the use of various types of exercises in order to prevent it from atrophying and weakening of the muscles and ligaments.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis are selected individually for each patient by the treating doctor and specialist in physiotherapy. The exercises proceed only after the removal of an aggravation, but not after 5-6 days after the removal of the pain.
The task of exercise for the treatment of osteoarthritis is the recovery of joint mobility, aerobic exercises, increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.
How to cure arthritis folk remedies?
With osteoarthritis of the pharmacological treatment, not to avoid, but usually the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, who will advise to apply folk remedies. But you should know that the treatment of osteoarthritis, including and alternative medicine, is based on a healthy lifestyle and a correct diet, all of this adds up to popular recipes.

- Birch leaves, nettle leaves and inflorescence of calendula is taken in equal parts. At the end you have to get two spoons. We got crushed collection in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Starting from the next morning you need to take a half a cup of broth of four — five times a day. The admission to the course of this recipe is two – three months.
- Egg solution is prepared from the yolk of fresh egg, mixed with essence of turpentine and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:1:1. The liquid has to mix thoroughly and rub this knowledge of the affected joint for the whole night. After that you have to wrap the entire scarf made of wool. We recommend that you perform rubbing within 1 month, 2-3 times a week.
- The celery. 1-2 teaspoons of fresh juice of celery and drink up to 3 times per day. You can use a decoction. Beer 1 tbsp. tablespoon of fresh roots 2 cups of boiling water and let stand under cover for 4 hours. Drink 2 tablespoons. tablespoons up to 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.
- You will need a piece of soft cloth of wool, without any synthetic impurities and a head of cabbage. To begin with, you need to grind the head, after that well crush with the help of a mortar or with the hands, it is recommended to use non-oxidizable dishes. After that you can wring the juice in a centrifuge. Now take the prepared fabric and moistened with the juice of cabbage, this pack, we put in the affected joint. I would like to remind you that freshly squeezed juice can be stored for not more than three days from the date of extraction.
- Application boil the oatmeal also gives good results. Take three or four tablespoons of oatmeal, pour boiling water and cook on a slow flame for five to seven minutes. The quantity of water must ensure the reception of a dense cereals, which should cool down and use as a compress for the night. Use only newly cooked cereals. Yesterday polenta for a wrap is not suitable.
- In the pharmacy, purchased the root elecampane. As a general rule, it is packaged in boxes of 50 gr. For the preparation of tinctures, you will need a half a package of the roots of plants, and 150 ml of vodka of high quality. The ingredients are mixed, they are placed in a dark bottle, and produced of 12 days. Rubbing are performed before going to sleep, and, if possible, and in the morning.
In general, the treatment of osteoarthritis folk remedies is not able to fully replace the standard types of therapy (medication, physiotherapy, massage, PHYSIOTHERAPY), but it can greatly relieve the symptoms of the disease, to enhance the action of other methods of therapy and accelerate the recovery.